Bolivar Energy Authority Fiber Storage Facility
The work to be done consists generally of: Constructing a 2,700 sf PEMB storage building to house fiber wiring and parts. Building will include associated site work which includes fencing, grading, and gravel lot.
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 2/21/25 2:00pm |
Bolivar, TN
Bid Information:
Sealed proposals for the Bolivar Energy Authority Office Renovation project will be received by Bolivar Energy Authority at its office until 2:00 pm Local Time on February 21, 2025 and immediately thereafter will be opened and publicly read.
Hard copies of plans and specifications are available for purchase at contractor’s expense, or files may be downloaded for free from our online plan room. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.